  • 期刊


Combination with Synthetic Parathyroid Hormone Treatment in Intravenous Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of Jaw-A Case Report


本病例報告一位有骨性轉移的乳癌病患,長期使用注射型的雙磷酸鹽藥物(Aredia(上標 ®))3年,因右下第二小臼齒患有牙周病,在診所拔除經4個月傷口仍無法癒合,並有膿腫、疼痛等現象,轉診到本科,經合併副甲狀線激素Forteo(上標 ®)(teriparatide)每支內含3.3ml(每ml含250mcg的teriparatide)的筆型注射的藥劑,每天以20單位(20mcg teriparatide)注射於腹部皮下組織爲期一個月,再經一個月後予以清創治療並經半年追蹤,傷口完全癒合,並推論此藥物在顎骨修復上的治療經驗報告。


A 46 y/o female, the diagnosis was breast cancer with bone metastasis, using Aredia(superscript ®) intravenous injection control bony metastasis for 3 years. Due to right lower second premolar was victim of severely periodontitis, extracted and treatment at local dentist. Unfortunately, the wound unhealing with redness, pus discharge continuous for 4 months, refer by general surgeon to our department. Under recombinant of human parathyroid hormone (rhPTH) submucosa injection one month and then wound debridement treatment, the wound gradually healing in 2 months follow up. 4 months later the new bone formation was formed. In this paper we present the treatment procedure and make a literature review about the rhPTH efficiency in bone repair.
