  • 期刊


Reconstruction of Anterior Maxillary Dentition with Autotransplantation of Bony Impacted Teeth-A Case Report




Autogenous tooth transplantation is usually used to replace the hopeless tooth or the edentulous area. According to the previous studies, the success rate of autogenous tooth transplantation was not predictable because of the difficulty in predicting root development after transplantation and dental root resorption. So this treatment modality is not widely accepted to clinical application. Nowadays most clinicians consider that the osseointegrated dental implant may be more predictable than autogenous tooth transplantation, therefore, autogenous tooth transplantation is gradually excluded from routine practices in most of clinicians. In this case, we used impacted maxillary canine and incisor to reconstruct anterior maxillary dentition. After a period of following time, the wound healing, periodontal condition, periapical status and occlusal function were all showed uneventful. Patient was also satisfied with the practice. If patient is not suitable for dental implant therapy or can not afford to it, we hope that autogenous tooth transplantation could be one of the treatment modalities in our daily practices.
