  • 期刊


Lectures of General Education in Kai Nan District


臺灣地區大專院校自1984年9月全面推動通識教育至今已歷二十一年,由普及轉向深化,已成爲現今發展通識教育的下一個重要目標。教育部為求通識教育深化的發展,自九十學年度開始補助提出改進基礎教育計畫通過之各校為期四年的第一梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫,九十一學年度開始補助提出改進基礎教育計畫通過之各校為期四年的第二梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫。 但是,以通識教育課程改進為重心,獲得執行提昇大學基礎教育計畫之各院校,鮮少以跨校合作為計畫發展主軸。再就臺灣現有大學校院的規模觀察,多數非屬完整型的綜合大學,就通識教育課程設計與師資之完整性而言,師資領域在廣度和深度上多感不足。即使獲得補助亦有心無力,難以承擔推動通識教育全面改革的重擔。 為補足上述之缺失,教育部委託中央大學朱建民教授自九十二年度起主持第二梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫之大學校院通識教育巡迴講座計畫,以彌補推動通識教育全面改革的闕失。本文擬以開南管理學院二年來參與第二梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫之大學校院通識教育巡迴講座計畫的經驗,並討論其實施內涵與成效。


Since September, 1984, colleges of Taiwan has been boosting general education. Our future essential goal is to root our general education rather than just universalize it. In order to accomplish it, in the year 2001 the Department of Education has started to subvene each school the first stage of a four-year college basic education promoting plan. And started the second stage in the year 2002. Although the schools are focusing on promoting the basic college education plan, they had not been taking a second thought intercollegiate cooperation. And many schools are lack of teacher or accessorial materials due to not being a complete university. Even if they get the subvene, the plan is still hard to carry on. To mend the defect, in 2003 the Department of Education authorized Professor 朱建民 of National Central University to host a lecture circuit on the issue of the second stage plan. This article is about to discuss the progress made by the lecture circuit of the second stage basic college education plan. This institute has joined in ”Lectures of General Education in the Kai Nan District.” Its objective is mainly to promote intercollegiate cooperation and mutual class observations among teachers for general education courses, aimed at upgrading the teaching quality of general education courses at this institute. Kai Nan University is a newly established higher educational institution, whose scope and depth of the teachers' specializations are found insufficient, in terms of the wholeness in the curriculum designed for general education. It is hoped that with participation in lecture circuits and cooperation with excellent general education teachers, the lectureship for localized lecture circuits can be established, educational resources can be shared with each other and the levels of general educational courses can be upgraded through mutual observations and academic exchanges. Next, students who enroll in general educational courses can have a clear, real understanding and feeling toward the courses for ”humanistic arts,” and can be engaged in effective, advanced learning, thus acquiring self-restraint in cultivating humanistic arts with a definite standard, and equipped with grand views towards poly-containment abilities, so that they can in the future face high competitiveness in societies at home or abroad.


