  • 期刊


A Study on the Constitutive Elements of Shop Window Display Design-A Case Study of Chunyo Department Store in Taichung


爲瞭解業界如何成功的執行櫥窗陳列展示設計構成要素的表現方式及評量過程,進而得知設計師設計表現方式與消費者觀感之差異,以求減少雙方看法之落差。本研究以質性與量化方法做個案實證研究,深度訪談、直接觀察中友百貨,問卷調查消費者不同人口屬性對櫥窗設計構成要素的觀感及情感性價值印象,以了解中友百貨的櫥窗陳列展示設計如何獲得消費族群的認同。本研究獲致結論如下: 一、大多數消費者認爲中友百貨櫥窗設計表現最佳之構成要素以「色彩」最佳者居多,其次是「形狀構圖」。展示的視覺效果除了型態之美外,色彩佔有決定性關鍵地位,中友百貨在這兩個重要的構成要素表現最佳,頗獲認同。 二、消費者人口屬性對櫥窗設計表現最佳之構成要素的看法無顯著差異。 三、大多數消費者對中友百貨的「夏日狂想趣」櫥窗的情感性價值排序爲「現代感」、「乾淨的」、「創意的」。 四、消費者人口屬性對「夏日狂想趣」櫥窗設計成果之情感性價值看法,依性別、年齡、設計教育背景、教育程度、參觀頻率、欣賞櫥窗時間等,有部份看法達顯著差異。所以陳列展示設計企劃時,需要配合公司的市場區隔,針對目標顧客投其所好。


The purpose of this study is to understand the expression manner and the evaluation process of the shop window display design constitutive elements by a success enterprise. Furthermore, this study is to find out the difference of the expression manner of designers and perception of customers in order to shorten the difference of both sides. This study’s research methods involved in-depth interviews with the staff of the Planning Section of Chunyo Department Store, as well as conducted observations and recordings during shop window display installations. A questionnaire was used to survey Chunyo Department Store customers about their perception of the shop window display design in order to understand their evaluation and opinion. This study has concluded the following: 1. Consumers believed ”color” is the best element for shop window display design followed by ”geometric shape”. 2. There has been no significant difference in customer demographic attributes in regards to the perception of the best shop window display design. 3. The shop window display design, ”Fantasy on Summer Days, ”was perceived by customers to relay the following emotional values: ”overall presentation of modernity,” ”cleanliness,” and ”creative conceptualization.” 4. The demographic attributes of the customers including age, visiting frequency, educational level, the time for viewing shop window display, and educational background indicated significantly different perceptions toward the ”Fantasy on Summer Days” shop window display design.


賈玉西(2010)。展示物最佳演色光源之研究 -以黃金加工品為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000971
