  • 期刊


Green Economy and Green Growth-Exploration of Multi-Level Governance Model in Green city


過去,全球氣候治理係以聯合國(UN)為主導中心,進行國際談判與協商,然而因各國文化、經濟、社會和歷史背景的差異,難以形成共識。近年來,全球化帶動治理概念的轉變,治理權威的轉換不僅從公部門轉移到私部門、中央政府轉移到地方政府,更納入第三部門、社群團體與公民社會。有關綠色城市治理亦反應這股後新公共管理思潮,呈現多層級、政策整合、多元參與者之治理模式。本研究之目的,在於確認綠色城市係以綠色經濟與綠色成長理論,作為綠色城市發展策略,並透過標竿綠色城市之政策軌跡,發展綠色城市之治理模式。研究首先探討綠色城市指標與城市國內生產毛額(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)之關聯性,以實證分析綠色經濟與綠色成長理論,並驗證綠色城市之環境治理對於城市綠化與城市經濟發展之影響。再者,透過標竿綠色城市的治理路徑,探討地方政府如何制定綠色創新政策,建立綠色治理網絡以打造低碳城市。研究結果顯示,各項綠色城市指標與城市國內生產毛額(GDP)具有顯著相關性,其中能耗量指標對於經濟發展具有顯著的影響,地方政府之環境治理政策於其中產生干擾效果。從標竿個案城市的綠色治理過程,發現綠色城市的治理模式,係採用多層次治理的途徑,地方政府基於綠色經濟與綠色成長的概念,創建合作平台,推動發展綠色城市策略,達到經濟發展與環境永續之目標。因此,以城市治理回應氣候變遷問題,可越過國際外交的藩籬,相較於傳統國際談判治理模式,更加靈活與務實。


In the past, the United Nations (UN) was the leading center of the global climate governance and conducted international negotiations and consultations. However, due to the differences in the culture, economy, society and history of countries, it is difficult to reach a consensus. In recent years, globalization has driven the transformation of the concept of governance. The transformation of authority has not only shifted from the public sectors to the private sectors, and from the central government to local governments, but also included the third sectors, community groups, and civil society. Green city governance also reflects this phenomenon and presents a multi-level, policy integration, and multi-participant in the post-new public management era. The purpose of this research was to confirm that green cities use the theory of green economy and green growth as development strategies, and to develop a green city governance model through the policy trajectories of the benchmarking green cities. The research first explored the association between green city indicators and the city's gross domestic product (GDP), empirically analyzed the green economy and green growth, and verified the impact of green city environmental governance on urban greening and economic development; secondly, the study explored how local governments can formulate green innovation policies and establish a green governance network to create a low-carbon city through mapping the governance path of the benchmarking green cities. The research results show that each green city index has a significant correlation with the city's gross domestic product (GDP). Energy consumption index has a significant impact on economic development, and the environmental governance of local governments has an moderating effect. From the analysis of the governance process of the benchmarking green cities, it was found that the governance model of the green city adopts a multi-level governance approach. Based on the concept of green economy and green growth, the local government creates a cooperation platform to promote the development of green city strategies and achieve the goals of economic development and environmental sustainability. Therefore, responding to climate change based on the city governance can overcome the barriers of international diplomacy and is more flexible and pragmatic than the traditional governance model of international negotiations.


李長晏(2016)如何強化中央與地方府際合作協調機制。國土及公共治理季刊,4(3) , 42-57。
