  • 期刊


Implementing a Quality Control Approach to Reduce Error Rates in Pathological Specimen Examination





Clinically, pathological specimens constitute a crucial basis for physicians to perform disease diagnosis procedures, administer correct treatment, and conduct follow-up assessments. Such specimens can also serve as a bridge between basic medicine and clinical medical research and treatment. Throughout the examination period of pathological specimens, including the period spanning from specimen acquisition to report completion, neglecting any details would affect patient safety. Therefore, reducing error rates in pathological specimen examinations is crucial for improving medical quality. This study implemented a quality control approach to analyze the causes of erroneous pathological examinations and developed countermeasures for improvement. The analysis may affect the incomplete rate of the inspection for abnormal causes. The proposed countermeasures reduced pathological examination error rates from 70.2% to 7.5%. The rate of improvement of inadequate pathological examination delivery processes was 89.6%. The results of this study can serve as a reference for relevant units in improving sample inspection procedures, improving patient service quality, and ensuring patient safety. Such improvements can prevent medical disputes and provide relatively high medical care quality.

