  • 期刊


2021 Survey on the Development Trend of Smart Hospitals in Taiwan




Technology improves service efficiency and safety and quality of patient care, and is rapidly changing the appearance of hospital services. From September to November 2021, the Joint Commission of Taiwan collaborated with DIGITIMES, a technology industry medium, in conducting a questionnaire on 300 hospitals. The results indicated that medical centers have invested considerably more resources in information technology than non-medical center hospitals, and 41% of the medical centers have set up units specialized in smart healthcare to coordinate projects and cross-departmental collaboration. Hospitals at different levels differ substantially in their levels of smart technology and their demand for it. With National Health Insurance and healthcare policies as the main driving factors, medical centers have endeavored to apply artificial intelligence, whereas non-medical center hospitals have continued to prioritize automated scheduling as their main requirements. In regards with limitations in development, 60% of the regional hospitals and district hospitals in Taiwan are limited in their budgets for developing smart healthcare, and 82% of the surveyed medical centers expressed a lack of cross-departmental talents.
