  • 期刊


Moving Toward the Single Source Multi-Carrier Publishing Stage-A Case Study of EP Synchronization




The impact of the digital era has caused numerous changes and created enormous challenges for the publishing industries. This study is an effort to look beyond the traditional definition of publication by books and paper, re-evaluate and redefine the macroscopic meaning of printing and publishing to better adapt and strive under the challenge of the digital era. Publication clearly becomes multimedia in format coexistent with each other; its production from the content creation to printing and publication streamlined into one process. It also utilizes Data Warehouse Management to search, find and apply necessary data and software in the data bank to regulate and standardize the process making it more efficient. A case study of EP synchronization in this report highlighted the process flow change for digital publication, pointed out the trend of moving toward the Single Source Multi- Carrier Publishing stage and trying to identify new values for the Publishing Industries facing the digital era. Several recommendations drawn from this study included: Re-evaluate publishing with a broader definition and prospective in order to adapt and strive under the digital wave. The paradigm of publishing should include all elements of communications so that a new Communication Theory could be derived from this more comprehensive scope of publishing viewpoint. Extend the scope of publishing upward to include Contend Creation and Production Planning as well as downward to include Audience and Effects Receiving, making Publishing the most diverse and valuable link in the Communication Media sector. Lastly, launch a series of digital culture training; develop a sound digital content management system, setup a well coordinated production regulation standards so that new innovations and breakthroughs can help bring publishing industries out of the current plight.


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