  • 期刊


The Study of Print Quality Using Different Pass of UV Inkjet


隨著數位印刷科技的快速發展以及環保意識抬頭,美觀且個人化的商品備受消費者青睞,其中又以UV噴墨列印最具環保觀念、應用素材廣泛及縮短製程,因此如何提升UV噴墨列印品質也越顯重要。本研究採用不同Pass(4Pass、8Pass、16Pass、32Pass),針對不同噴印次數所造成的條痕(Banding)和ISO 13660數位影像品質評估要項中的色塊斑駁(Mottle)、色塊粒狀度(Graininess)三種品質要項進行探討研究。研究結果顯示,C、M、Y、K四色的條痕會隨著Pass越高而有較佳的印刷品質,亦即其條痕現象較不明顯,其中又以Y、K兩色表現最為顯著。C、M、Y、K四色在色塊斑駁與色塊粒狀度在50%階調處呈現較大的不均勻性(Non-uniformity)。綜而言之,4Pass因有較明顯的條痕現象,而32Pass雖有較佳之效果,唯印製時間過長,不符合商業印刷成本之需求,在兼顧品質及成本之考量下,本研究建議採用8Pass或16Pass作為UV噴墨列印於壓克力材質上。


With the rapid development of digital printing technology and the rise of environmental awareness, aesthetic and personal commodity is more welcome by the consumers. Among them, UV inkjet printing has the advantages of environmentally friendly, wide range of application substrates and also shorten the process. Thus, how to improve the quality of UV inkjet printing becomes more and more important. In this study, we use four different pass (4Pass, 8Pass, 16Pass, 32Pass) to assess three non-uniformity quality attributes, namely banding, mottle and graininess respectively. The results show that banding are less obvious in C,M,Y,K patches, especially in Y and K, and contribute better quality. In addition, 50% C, M, Y, K tints have the greatest non-uniformity in tone scale both on mottle and graininess. In conclusion, 4Pass will cause significant banding, however 32Pass does not meet the needs of cost efficient. This study suggests 8Pass or 16Pass to print on the acrylic material using UV inkjet printing.


UV inkjet printing Pass Banding Mottle Graininess
