  • 期刊


A Legibility Study of Real Estate CISs


房屋仲介產業隨著品牌化經營趨勢與消費型態轉變日漸蓬勃發展,由於市場競爭激烈,企業必須建立企業形象、完善辨識系統,迅速與消費者產生共鳴、提升市場易辨性與競爭力。本研究透過眼動儀的追蹤實驗與企業識別系統問卷調查,來評估消費者對於台灣市佔率較高的七家房屋仲介之企業識別商標的易辨性,分析探討消費者對於七家房屋仲介業CIS(Corporate Identity System)之偏好,研究結果指出「信義房屋」商標的白底與紅、綠對比配色以及黑體字型結合之商標易辨程度最高;房屋仲介主要提供消費者對於房地產專業的服務,因此需要給予消費者專業信賴感,以Logo造型與顏色來傳達房屋仲介信念、專業與安全感的企業形象,而字體以造型簡單俐落的黑體、標楷體呈現可提高其易辨性、提升辨識效果,並與消費者產生共鳴。因此在進行Logo設計時應注意圖文編排、標準字體和顏色搭配,來提升商標易辨性。本研究方法使用眼動追蹤實驗蒐集眼球運動訊息,實驗結束後請受測者填寫問卷,彙整兩者數據分析比較,進行結論與分析。


Due to the highly competition of real estate industry, the identity of a real estate company is critical and necessary in order to improve its corporate image and market strategy. This study is aimed to analyze the logo design satisfaction and logo legibility of real estate companies in Taiwan. Seven real estate companies' CISs in Taiwan were included and a quantitative survey and an eye-tracking experiment were conducted. The results showed that the SinYi's logo design has the best identity. Colors of green, red and white, and typeface of Black/Arial were used to compose its CIS. Its CIS generates professional, trust, and secure image that is suitable for real estate industry. Meanwhile, CISs design of Yungching and Eastern Realty are popular as well.


Real Estate CIS Legibility
