  • 期刊


The Study on Print Quality Attributes of Drip-off UV Coating with Different Surface Tension by Lithography


UV互斥上光的技術是近幾年發展出來的一種新型UV印刷技術,本研究係針對不同UV互斥上光油的六/五種不同比例助劑之表面張力達因值(44、43.5、43、42、41、38),透過量化的實驗量測提出數據,以探討不同表面張力達因值的UV互斥上光油,塗布在相同平版UV四色印刷不同性質的紙張(180P雙面塗布銅版紙及300P單面塗布卡紙),經離線UV互斥塗布上光後的色彩品質特性(滿版濃度、網點面積、階調擴增、印刷對比、疊印能力、色差、色域)以及物理特性(光澤度、耐摩擦度、單位面積形成顆粒大小數)進行研究分析。經本研究獲得的主要結論為:(一)滿版濃度與網點面積均以300P單面塗布卡紙為大。(二)UV互斥上光後,網點擴增會加大;而疊印能力以使用180P雙面塗布銅版紙的疊印效果較佳。(三)光澤度方面以使用180P雙面塗布銅版紙上光後之各上光油組合光澤度較佳。光澤度與表面張力由小到大呈現負相關。(四)耐摩擦程度以使用上光油配置實驗組合達因值44、38組之上光油配置於兩種紙材上其耐摩擦較佳。在ASTM D5264的測試規範下,皆可通過荷重4磅摩擦500次的測試條件。(五)單位面積顆粒數以使用上光油配置實驗組合達因值44、43.5、43組之上光油配置於兩種紙材上其單位面積顆粒數較佳。單位面積內的顆粒數與表面張力由小到大呈現正相關。(六)上光後光澤度、耐摩擦皆比上光前佳。


Drip-off UV coating is a new technology in printing industry. In this study, the independent variable is auxiliary, which is the original reaction monomer, photoinitiator and sensitiser from the UV varnish. We use a quantitative research, which is the dynes of surface tension from five different percentages of auxiliary: 44, 43, 42, 41, 38, to analyze the statistic and focus on the physical attributes: Gloss, Rub Resistance, Numbers of Roundish structures per square measure; and the feasibility of Drip-off. This is the progress of this experiment. First, coat all the Drip-off vanish on two different paper: two- sided coated paper, one-sided cardboard with grey back. Second, print with the same Lithography four-color UV printing. Third, add a piece of printing paper which is the same color as the based ink but exclude each other. The last but not the least, coat with the offline Drip-off varnish. Besides the physical attributes, it causes the color difference before and after coating Drip-off: Solid Ink Density (SID), Tone Value Increase (TVI), Print Contrast, Color Difference, Trapping and Color Gamut. We hope this study offer an option for the printing industies. We can conclude from this observation: (1) The SID and TVI of 300P onesided coated cardboard are more than two-sided coated Paper. (2) TVI and the type of printing paper will not be influenced by the variable. (3) Trapping of 180P Twosided coated paper is better because when experimental sets C, D, E, F of UV varnish (Dynes 43,42, 41, 38) coated on the two types of paper, the color garment of 180P Two-sided coated paper is wider. (4) Gloss of 180P Two-sided coated paper is glossier. (5) Rub Resistance of experimental sets A, F (Dynes 44, 38) are more resistant. (6) Every unit of roundish structures on sets A, B, C (Dynes 44, 43.5, 43) is better. (7) Gloss, Rub Resistance and Unit of roundish structures all turn onto a better consequence after varnishing.


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