  • 期刊


To explore the research on the content creation and audience of YouTuber in domestic


二十一世紀是行動通訊與社群媒體興盛的時代,網路科技讓每個人可以擁有自己的媒體(we media)。藉此盡情展現自我,讓社會大眾都可以看到自己的表演,因此造就許多原本默默無名的人轉變為具有社會影響力的YouTuber。這些「消費者即為生產者(prosumer)」的YouTuber透過拍攝的影片就可以擁有數百萬的點閱率,成為網路時代下非常具有影響力的群體。而傳播科技的進步讓現今年輕人都非常依賴行動媒體,漸漸網路的點閱率取代了過往的收視率,網路影片的內容也逐漸成為了二十一世紀下社會大眾所關注與討論的對象。本研究嘗試以國內的YouTuber作為研究目標,探討影片內容的特質以及閱聽者喜歡觀看的原因;同時分析這群閱聽眾從影片當中可以獲得何種層面的滿足。


The 21st century is an era of mobile communication and social media. Internet technology enables everyone to have their own media (we media). This is a way of showing yourself, and allowing the public to see their own performance, so that many people who were otherwise anonymous turned into social influencers. These YouTuber, 〞consumers are prosumer〞, can have millions of click-through rates through video and becoming a very influential group in the Internet age. And dissemination of science and technology progress to young people nowadays are very dependent on the mobile media, Internet click-through rates gradually replaced the previous audience measurement, Internet video also gradually become the 21st century under the public concern and discussion of the object. This study attempts to take domestic YouTuber as the research goal, discusses the movie content characteristic as well as the listener likes to watch the reason. Also, analyze what level of satisfaction the audience can get from the film.


#11 【谷阿莫】9 分鐘看完18 小時電影版哈利波特1-8 集。民105 年02 月17 日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/amogood/videos/vb.1525959604282263/1598670203677869/?type=2&theater
#13【谷阿莫】4 分半鐘看完電影版《暮光之城》1-5 集。民105 年02 月17 日,取自:https://www.facebook.com/amogood/videos/vb.1525959604282263/1600212403523649/?type=2&theater
#19【谷阿莫】7 分鐘看完《玩命關頭1-6》。民105 年02 月17 日, 取自:https://www.facebook.com/amogood/videos/vb.1525959604282263/1606120402932849/?type=2&theater
Dreamates(2016)。〈新興職業Youtuber〉。民105 年11 月12 日, 取自:http://www.dreamates.hk/post/2238
