  • 期刊


An Agriculture Knowledge Management Platform-A Case Study of Short-term Vegetables


從60、70年代工業社會的興起至近年高科技產業蓬勃發展發展之下,臺灣農業的從事人口於這40年間大幅下降。儘管因食品安全的意識抬頭與休閒農業的興起,在近年來才逐漸有年輕人興起意願加入農業的領域。如今的資深耕農與新耕農之間面臨著技術傳承的問題,有經驗的農耕者有豐富的種植知識與技術,卻無法將這份經驗傳承、延續下去,回鄉的青年耕農有從事農耕意願,卻沒有相關種植經驗累積。針對以上的問題,本研究希望能夠運用ASP. NET以及SQL SERVER的相關技術建立一個農業種植知識平台,將農耕者對於種植蔬菜類短期作物的經驗保存下來並可以與其他使用者作分享,並且使用系統易用性量表分析方式,進而了解使用者對於本系統的操作感覺以及後續是否有意願繼續使用本系統。本平台主要具備下列特點:(一)具有簡單化的資訊輸入介面以及查詢介面的系統,可供較不熟悉網際網路的農民做使用。(二)所蒐集並保存農民實際的種植經驗的資料,而不是研究者所研究出來的制式資料。研究發現將系統操作介面以較簡單的方式建置,有助於提高使用者提供資料的意願,讓他們將蔬菜種植經驗做文字化的分享。相信可以藉由這個系統,將農業種植經驗做更好的保存以及分享。


Since the rise of the industrial society in the 1960s and 1970s to the vigorous development and development of the high-tech industry in recent years, Taiwan's population in agriculture has fallen sharply in 40 years. Despite the rise of food safety awareness and the rise of leisure agriculture, In recent years, there is gradually the rise of young people willing to join the field of agriculture. Today Taiwan agriculture is facing the problem of technical inheritance, experienced farmers are rich in planting knowledge and technology, cannot pass on the experience, continue, return to the young farmers have farming willingness to engage in farming, but no relevant Planting experience accumulated. In response to this issue, this study hopes to use ASP.NET and SQL SERVER related technologies to establish a platform for agricultural cultivation knowledge, the farmers for planting short-term crop cultivation experience and can be shared with other users, and use SUS questionnaire analysis, and then understand the user for the operation of the system feel and follow-up whether the intention to continue to use the system. The platform has the following characteristics: 1. A system with a simple information entry interface and a query interface for farmers who are less familiar with the Internet. 2. The information collected and saved is the actual planting experience of the farmer, not the standard information developed by the researcher. The study found that the system operating interface in a relatively simple way to build, help to improve the user's willingness to provide information so that they will share the experience of vegetable planting to share. It is believed that this system can be used to better share and share the agricultural farming experience.


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