  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Design of Multimedia-Assisted Teaching Materials Content for the Professional Course in the area of design in technical high schools: taking the" History of Modern Design Unit" in the Course of Introduction of Design




With the rapid development of science and technology, teaching with multimedia-assisted teaching materials has gradually become a trend, but there are few studies on professional courses of the Area of Design in technical high schools. According to the new curriculum for technical high schools drawn up by the Ministry of Education in 108 years for the Study Area of Design, Design of Introduction is the basic theoretical ability that is necessary for the Area of Design in technical high schools students. Therefore, this study aims to explore the content of multimedia-assisted teaching materials for "History of Modern Design unit" in the course of Introduction of Design. This study first explored the development of multimedia-assisted teaching materials, the design process of multimedia-assisted teaching materials and the current situation of the Introduction of Design course through the literature review. After, an expert interview was conducted with teachers who are currently working in relevant departments of the Study Area of Design. After the interview, the results analysis table was compiled and the research conclusions were written as the basis for the content design of the design of multimedia-assisted teaching materials content for the professional course in the Area of Design in technical high schools.


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