  • 期刊


A Probe into the Current Situation of the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries




In the 1980s, the British cultural policy changed revolutionarily, which in turn affected the views of all countries in the world, "the art has the function of enlightenment, and the fine art should let more people know, to improve the quality of the people and promote social harmony." The concept and goals of the creative industry emerged, and the evolution of the policy led the UK to divide it into 13 categories in 2001: advertising, architecture, art and antiques markets, crafts, design, fashion design and fashion, film and video, leisure software games., music, performing arts, publishing, software and computer services, television and radio. Taiwan was influenced by Japan's experience in the 1990s, and it gradually opened up the development of "cultural and creative industries". After "community overall construction", "challenge 2008: national development key plan", the development of cultural and creative industries in recent years. The Law defines the definition of cultural and creative industries and the 15+1 sub-industries and competent authorities. With the vigorous development of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries, many products and exhibitions have been launched, and industrial development has also formed many hidden concerns. This paper hopes to explore the current difficulties and developments of the cultural and creative industries for reference and research.


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