  • 期刊


Research Analysis and Preliminary Exploration of Reading Behavior




閱讀行為 閱讀動機


In the era of network and information development, there are quite a few choices of reading methods, new digital content is increasing, such as: e-books, e-magazines, e-newspapers, etc. reading text is no longer limited to paper. In December 2009, United Nations holds climate change conference. E-books reduce paper consumption in order to save energy and reduce carbon. And in just a few years, the e-book market is beginning to grow. Conducted the 2017 Reading Survey in collaboration with Vision Magazine and The Eslite Bookstore Research Center. Nearly 80% of people of reading think paper reading is the closest definition to reading. However, 67% of people agree that reading online articles is also a reading behavior. 46% said social media messages were also a reading act. As a result, people begin to receive digital reading. Amazon.com Inc. also officially opened its "Chinese Traditional e-book" category in May 2019. More than 24,000 Chinese Traditional e-books are included, which consumers can purchase through their U.S. accounts. This study explores the related research of reading behavior. Through literature analysis, collect and organize various reading reports and academic-related research. Previously, much of the reading behavior focused on students' reading behavior, education, network and social media. After analysis, conclusions and suggestions are put forward.


Reading Behavior Reading Motivation


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