  • 期刊


Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with dementia: a meta-analysis


目的:研究顯示認知復健的介入活動對於提高失智症患者的認知活動有改善的效果,但對於認知復健是否能改善患者認知活動尚未有統合分析研究,本文以系統回顧與統合分析探討認知復健對提高失智症患者的效益。方法:本文資料收集方式包括以2003年後EBSCO、PUBMED、MEDLINE等電子資料庫檢索及人工檢索收集六篇發表之認知復健對失智症病人認知功能之療效相關文獻進行統合分析,探討認知復健對失智症病人認知功能、日常生活品質及精神與行為之療效。結果:本文以文獻資料進行認知復健對於失智症患者之相關療效進行統合分析,結果顯示認知復健對改善失智症患者以不同量表在認知功能上分別為(P<0.001, d=0.45)和(P=0.004, d=0.39)及生活技能(P=0.014, d=0.55)上都有顯著差異;但在對於改善精神與行為(P=2.01, d<0.1)及焦慮行為(P=0.410, d<0.1)上較無顯著差異。目前尚未有藥物可以治癒失智症患者受損的大腦,因此各種不同的認知復健介入對於延緩與增加失智症患者的認知確實有明顯成效。


Goal: Studies have shown that cognitive rehabilitation could improve cognition of dementia patients. However, no meta-analysis has been done to investigate effects of cognitive rehabilitation on cognitive functions in dementia patient. The present study used systematic review and meta-analysis to explore benefits of cognitive rehabilitation in this population. Method: A systemic search of literature published after 2003 in the EBSCO, PUBMED, MEDLINE databases. We collected six published paper about the efficacy about cognition rehabilitation of cognitive function in patients with dementia. We investigated effects of cognitive function, quality of life, mental and behavioral. Result: These six literatures included in this meta-analysis showed that cognitive rehabilitation are significantly improve cognitive function in dementia patients (P <0.001), cognitive (P = 0.004) and life skills (P = 0.014); but with no significant differences for the improvement of mental and behavior (P = 2.01) and anxiety behavior (P = 0.410). There are no drugs can cure the impaired brain of dementia patients. This study shows that a variety of cognitive rehabilitation intervention had beneficial effects on cognitive function of dementia patients.
