  • 期刊


The Political Mobilization and People's Everyday Life in Guangzhou, 1949




After World War II, the National Government of China and Chinese Communist Party began a long-term conflict, the people in China faced a new difficult situation. In early 1949, the central government agencies evacuated from Nanjing to Guangzhou, a city which became a temporary capital of China. In KMT's history, Guangzhou is a cradleland of the National Revolution, so it was shaped to be a symbol of revolution and glorious war against Communist Party in this critical time, 1949. Government officials pronounced their declaration and started various political mobilization in Guangzhou, like paraded, organized self-defense group and used newspaper for propaganda, trying to arouse people's action and loyalty. However, many residents in Guangzhou reacted indifferently that made many officials felt disappointed and confused. This paper uses various kinds of newspaper in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, people's memoirs, diaries and records of government conference to present the political mobilization and people's life in this city, trying to analyze the difference between government's expectation and people's attitude toward chaos, and then thinking the meaning of this crucial moment.


〈京滬難民洶湧南來〉,廣州《誠報》,1949 年1 月12 日,第一頁。
梁惠錦編,《中華民國史事紀要中華民國38 年(一九四九)一至六月份》(臺北:國史館,1996),頁505。
〈發揮高度戰鬥力量國軍主動撤離首都〉,《中央日報》廣州版,1949 年4 月24 日,第一版。
〈六屆中常會第187 次會議紀錄及議事日程〉(1949 年4 月28 日),中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館藏,檔案號:會6.3/193.1。
《中央日報》廣州版,1949 年4 月29 日、5月1 日
