  • 期刊


Physiological Signal and Subjective Evaluations on Using Head Mounted Display



頭配顯示器(Head Mounted Display, HMD)自1968年以來,各項功能的發展不斷的更新且已成熟;產品的定位也由實驗室中的實驗設備,逐漸擴展至家庭,甚至於成爲個人隨身的影音設備。此種產品的發展趨勢,代表著頭配顯示器商業化的商品型態已然形成。因此,在商業化與商品化利益的前提之下,瞭解頭配顯示器對人體生理影響,對產品設計和開發是相當重要的。在本研究中,首先以心率檢測系統配合疲勞度視覺問卷,對受測者進行視覺機能與不適性的感覺模擬實驗和分析,並藉由觀看不同類型影片,監測受測者心率變異度、視覺疲勞度、目標追踨以及瞳孔距離(Inter-Pupillary Distance, IPD)改變情形。根據本研究量測獲得之資料分析結果,顯示長時間使用頭配顯示器,確實會對使用者造成生理機能的負面影響。其測試之結論,可提供相關生產設計單位作爲設計參考依據。


In order to understand what will be affected by Head Mounted Display (HMD) in the field of physiological effects and to know how to design a more suitable product based on demands, technologies, marketing, and the trend of fashion, this paper firstly presents a visual function testing system to perform some experiments such as Heart Rate Variability (HRV), degree of visual exhaustion, eye movement tracking, and Inter-Pupillary Distance (IPD) while watching different types of films, and then all testers have also to fill a questionnaire after each of the experiment According to the experiment results, the use of HMD indeed has physical visual effects and some uncomfortable evidences for continuous long time watching on the HMD screen. The research can provide some useful experiment data for designing a more suitable BMD.
