  • 期刊


A Study of the Enrollment System of Professional Volunteer Soldiers Recruitment from the User's Perspective


我國募兵制計畫隨著社會少子化對於兵源招募產生衝擊。學術上雖有許多對於國軍人才招募各面向的策略研究及討論,但重點放在從軍動機、招募成效等,對於報名流程與系統的研究卻不多。針對系統使用者介面(User Interface, UI)與使用者經驗(User Experience, UX)的人機互動之探討更是缺乏。因此本研究旨在邀請民眾體驗國軍人才招募志願士兵報名系統(簡稱報名系統),希望透過理論與實務經驗對照,提出在UI/UX上改進建議並提高使用效率。在考量現代人的使用習慣,本研究將針對行動裝置(智慧型手機)使用報名系統進行UI/UX交互之使用性測試。透過放聲思考法、系統易用性量表(System Usability Scale, SUS)與使用者經驗問卷(User Experience Questionnaire, UEQ)進行受測者訪談獲得使用者對於報名系統的UI/UX看法,再利用焦點團體法與專家交流獲取更多想法與建議進而歸納出本研究建議,最後透過理論參照與驗證評估建議實用性。透過本研究建議可了解現行報名系統潛存問題,包括介面呈現、提示與協助、互動與回饋及系統功能等四大面向、二十四細項,期望有利於後續發展或改良。


In the R.O.C., with the change of the military recruitment plan and the impact of the socialization of fewer children on the recruitment of soldiers, there are many academic studies and discussions on the strategies of recruiting the national army. Although there are many academic researches and discussions on the recruitment strategies of the national army, the focus is on the motivation and effectiveness of recruitment, but there are not many studies on the application process and system. However, there is not much research on the application process and system. There is a lack of research on the human-computer interaction of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the system. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to invite the public to experience the National Army Talent Recruitment Volunteer Enrollment System (hereinafter referred to as the Enrollment System), hoping to suggest improvements in UI/UX and improve the efficiency of use by comparing theoretical and practical experiences. In consideration of modern usage habits, this study will test the usability of UI/UX interaction with the application system for mobile devices (smartphones). The UI/UX perceptions of the enrollment system will be obtained through interviews with the test subjects using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). The focus group method was used to communicate with experts to obtain more ideas and suggestions to summarize the recommendations of this study. Finally, the practicality of the recommendations was evaluated through theoretical reference and validation. Through this research proposal, we can understand the potential problems of the current application system, including four major aspects and 24 details, such as interface presentation, hints and assistance, interaction and feedback, and system functions, which are expected to be beneficial to the subsequent development or improvement.
