  • 期刊

The Effect of Occlusal Trauma on Healing on Rats' Teeth with Apical Pathoses



眾所皆知,對牙周組織而言咬合傷害與牙周組織的變化成正向關係。我們之前報告了兩個臨床案例,這兩類案例均對傳統根管治療及根尖手術均無效,但經由咬合調整,其牙根尖病變得以全癒。然而很少的臨床報告涉及此一問題。因此本實驗的目的乃在研究咬合傷害對老鼠牙根尖病變組織癒合的影響。本實驗乃是用十一隻六個月大的老鼠,其中包括七隻公鼠,四隻母鼠。任易選擇兩側二至三顆臼齒做髓腔開擴,其中十隻老鼠的右側上顎臼齒的咬合面用樹脂填高一毫米,另一隻老鼠的六顆臼齒未做任何處理以當做控制組。全部牙齒分成以下四組:牙根尖病變且有承受咬合傷害,牙根尖病變但不具有咬合傷害,正常牙根尖但有承受咬合傷害及控制組。六個星期後,咬合面以樹脂再增高一毫米。再過六星期後,所有老鼠的牙根尖的骨頭及牙齒取下,用EDTA予以脫鈣做成組織切片。最後我們以tartrate-resistant acid來染噬骨細胞。本實驗結果顯示咬合傷害對牙根尖病變的癒合有重要的影響。


Occlusal trauma in the periodontium is positively correlated with changes in periodontal tissue. We have presented two cases of periapical disease which did not respond successfully to conventional endodontic therapy or endodontic surgery initially but healing after occlusal adjustment. However, few studies report that occlusal trauma may affect healing of periapical pathoses. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of occlusal trauma on healing of periapical pathoses on rats' teeth. A total of 11 Wistar rats (260g-350g), 6 weeks years old, 7 males and 4 female were included in this study. Two to three molars on both arches were randomly chosen for access-opening. The occlusal surface of the right maxillary arches of 10 rats was raised 1mm with composite. One rat with six molars was left without any dental procedure and used as controls. All teeth were divided into four groups: apical pathoses with occlusal trauma, apical pathoses without occlusal trauma, normal apical tissue with occlusal trauma, controlled teeth. Six weeks later, the occlusal surfaces were raised 1 mm again. After 6 weeks, their mandible were removed and demineralized with EDTA. Paraffin sections of 5μm were cut in the bucco-lingual direction. They were then stained for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity to identify osteoclast. The findings of this experiment suggest that occlusal trauma may play a role in the healing of periapical pathoses.


occlusal trauma apical pathoses
