  • 期刊


The Symptom and Treatment of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Oral Cavity


原發性的感染常見於1-3歲幼兒,常因皰疹齒齦口炎發生而被發現,不然則因類似上呼吸道的感染而被忽略。主要給予支持性療法,充分休息,防止二度感染為主。 對於再發性感染的表徵常以口唇水皰、生殖器或角膜潰痬為主,最快的處理方式是用局部抗病毒劑塗抹,越快使用吸收越好,對於減輕症狀的嚴重性與減短病程越有效。 病毒的感染表示單純皰疹病毒的再活化。對於病人、家屬、牙醫師、與工作同仁有高度感染性。在皰疹灶完全痊癒的這段期間,牙科工作的處理要特別注意virus的散佈,病人的營養與口腔衛生的執行也要注意。


Primary herpes simplex virus infection usually occurred in the children at the age 1 to 3. Only when gingivostomatitis happen in oral cavity, the symptom like the superior airway infection and was easily ignored by parents. The aspect of the treatment is the supplement of nutrition, adequate rest and prevent the secondary infection are important, too. The most effective treatment of recurrent herpetic infection is topical use of antiviral agent. The more quickly use, the more quickly improve the severity and duration of lesion. Patient undergoing the recurrent infection means the herpes simplex virus reactive again. In the period of lesion totally healing, we dental clinical work should especially pay attention to the prevention of virus spread between patient, stuff and equipment. Supplement of nutrition, adequate hydration and oral hygiene care should suggest to patient.
