  • 期刊


The Development of Chinese Historical Geography


本文討論我國歷史地理學研究的發展,著重在八方面:(一)甚麼是歷史地理學?(二)西方和日本歷史地理學的發展,(三)我國歷史地理學研究的起源,(四)「禹貢學會」與《禹貢半月刊》,(五)沿革地理的起源與發展,(六)二十世紀中國歷史地理學的研究成果,(七)地圖學史與歷史地圖,(八)歷史地理學研究中心及學術期刊。 我國歷史地理學有悠久的歷史,傳統上以沿革地理爲主流,與禹貢學會關係密切,二十世紀上半葉禹貢學會扮演重要角色,我國現代歷史地理學是從西方傳入的,也受日本的影響。二十世紀我國歷史地理學者,在多方面對我國歷史地理研究做了重要貢獻,研究的主題包括沙漠及草原環境變遷、河湖及海岸線變遷、氣候變遷、動植物分佈的變遷、疆域和行政區劃變遷、人口、城鎮與村落、一般經濟、農業、工業、交通、區域歷史地理、外國歷史地理學研究評介、理論和方法、歷史地理文獻目錄、地圖學史與歷史地圖。二十世紀下半葉,我國歷史地理學逐漸脫離考證和沿草地理,擴大到其他領域,像是我國歷史地理的社會和經濟方面,因爲許多研究歷史地理的學者實際上是歷史學者,有不少著作歷史學的成分較多,而地理學的成分較少。重要歷史地理學研究中心包括復旦大學、北京大學、陝西師範大學、及浙江大學。陝西師範大學的《中國歷史地理論叢》和復旦大學的《歷史地理》是最重要的兩個歷史地理的學術刊物。


This paper deals with the development of Chinese historical geography and stresses eight aspects: (1) the question of what is historical geography, (2) the development of historical geography in the West and Japan, (3) the origin of Chinese historical geography, (4) the Yugong Society and the yugong Fortnightly, (5) the origins and development of yange dili, (6) contributions of Chinese historical geographers in the twentieth century (7) the history of Chinese cartography and historical maps, and (8) research centers and historical geography journals. The Chinese historical geography has a long history and has been closely related to yange dili (yange geography, literally evolution geography). In the 1930s, the Yugong Society played an influential role. Modern Chinese historical geography was introduced from the West and has also been influenced by the Japanese. During the twentieth century, Chinese historical geographers made important contributions to the historical geography of China. Major areas of their contributions are physical environmental changes, changes of national territories and administrative divisions, population, urban and rural settlements, economic development, agriculture, industries, transportation, and regional studies. Other topics that Chinese historical geographers focus on include historical geography in foreign countries, theories and methods, Chinese cartography and historical maps, and bibliographies. During the second half of the twentieth century, Chinese historical geography gradually broke away from textual criticism and yange dili and entered into other areas of study, such as social and economic aspects of the historical geography of China. As many historical geographers are actually historians, some of their studies are of more historical geography in nature. Current major historical geography teaching and research centers are at Fudan, Beijing, Shaanxi Normal and Zhejiang Universities. Shaanxi Normal's Studies on Chinese Historical Geography and Fudan's Historical Geography are the two most important journals in historical geography.






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