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Revision of the Scale of Sport Commitment for Track and Field Athlete: Analysis of Reliability and Validity


本研究目的在編製適合國內青少年田徑運動員使用之運動承諾量表。以Scanlan and Simons (1992)的運動承諾模式理論為基礎,同時參考國、內外之相關文獻進行量表之修訂。以國、高中田徑選手共263人為受試者,檢驗修訂後量表的信度與效度。經項目分析與因素分析後發現,田徑選手運動承諾量表共有24題,包含六個因素(五個決定因素與運動承諾因素)。此五個決定因素分別為:社會約束、參與機會、運動樂趣、參與選擇、個人投資,以及運動承諾因素。結合上述六個因素的總累積解釋變異量達71.33%。至於量表的信度分析方面,以Cronbach's α方法考驗量表各因素之內部一致性情形,結果顯示量表各因素之Cronbach's α係數介於.78至.92之間。本研究結果顯示,修訂後的田徑選手運動承諾量表具有良好的信度與效度,可供後續探討國內青少年田徑選手運動承諾研究之工具。


運動承諾模式 信度 效度


The purpose of this study aimed to revise the scale of the sport commitment for track and field athlete into Chinese version. Based on the framework of Scanlan and Simons' Sport Commitment Model, and reviewed some related literatures, the draft of the Chinese version of the Scale of Sport Commitment for track and field athlete was finished. A total of 263 high school track and field athletes were served as subject to examine the validity and reliability of the revised scale. After item analysis and factor analysis, the results revealed that the scale of the sport commitment for track and field athlete had 24 items and six factors (5 determinant factors and sport commitment factor). The five determinant factors were as follow: social constrains, involvement opportunities, sport enjoyment, involvement alternatives and personal investments, and one sport commitment factor. The six factors accounted for 71.33% of total explained variance. The Cronbach's α statistics method was used to test the internal consistency of each of the subscales, and the Cronbach's α coefficient of the subscales ranged from .78 to .92. The result of this study indicated that the revised scale of the sport commitment for track and field athlete had acceptable validity and reliability, and can be used to testify high school track and field athletes' sport commitment in the future.


sport commitment model reliability validity


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