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Exploring Experiential Marketing in the Sport Goods Retail Enterprise-A Case Study of GIANT TOGETHER


近年來隨著國民的所得提高,生活品質的提升,促使休閒運動風潮興起,消費者對休閒產品需求與選擇趨向多樣化,帶動休閒運動用品公司的專業化、大型化與多元化連鎖經營。在進入體驗經濟的時代之後,企業顛覆傳統的行銷方式,改以為顧客創造一個有價值的體驗,透過提供購物享受與互動體驗,來滿足與刺激消費者潛在需求。Schmitt在1999年提出探索性(exploratory study)的體驗行銷策略模組研究,造就今日體驗行銷風潮,目前國內各行各業對於體驗行銷的實踐與研究方興未艾,專業運動用品專賣店熱潮也正在台灣掀起,因此本研究主旨在針對專業運動用品專賣店之體驗行銷服務傳遞系統,透過Schmitt(1999)提出的五個策略體驗模組之消費者體驗,以實證研究探討體驗行銷服務傳遞系統對於消費者體驗與消費滿意度間之關係。透過實地問卷調查,有效樣本共197份,主要研究結果發現如下:1. 不同人口統計變項消費者僅有不同平均消費次數在「體驗行銷」與「顧客滿意度」上有差異;2. 消費者在體驗行銷與顧客滿意度之間有兩組典型相關存在。依據本研究所得結果,專業運動用品專賣店體驗行銷策略確實會對顧客滿意度產生影響。


The enhancement of Taiwanese consuming level and life fast, the consuming - experience trend can be seen today. With growing market of recreational sport, recreational sport retail providers expend all energies to improve service quality in order to attract more business. After entering the era of the experiential economy, the recreational sport retail creates a valuable experience for customers. Customer, on the other hand, are no longer satisfied with commodities, goods, services. Their increasing buying powers cause above economic goods or service less valuable as unique and memorable experiences. Schmitt (1999) proposed the Strategic Experiential Modules that is still an exploratory study. In this study, researchers explore relationships among experiential marketing and customer satisfaction from tourism consumption in Giant Together sport goods retail. The research addresses consuming experience has positive effect on customer satisfaction definitely.
