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A Study on Participating Motivation and Constraints of Elementary School Female Dodgeball Team




The purpose of the research was to explore the relevance between the participation motivation and the participation constrants of the elementary school female dodgeball team and to analyze the difference variables of athletes with different background. A questionnaire for this study was designed. A total of 480 questionnaires distributed and 428 copies were returned. The valid return rate was 89%.Concluding the SPSS statistical analysis, the results were as follows: (1) For female elementary school dodgeball players’participating motivation, health related fitness scored highest and technical needs scored lowest. For female elementary school dodgeball players’participating constraint, the qualified individuals scored highest and the external environment score lowest. (2) The the elementary school female dodgeball team with different contact time have considerable difference on participating obstruction-external environment. (3) In structural equation, the path coefficient of "participating motivation" predicts "participating obstruction" had reached the statistical significance. The standard structure coefficient was -2.9. The results showed that the "participating motivation" may negative forecast "participating obstruction" which means the higher the participating motivation was, the lower participating obstruction would be; vice versa. (4) The research results showed there was negative correlation between the participating motivation and obstruction factor of the elementary school female dodgeball team; in the same time, the two factors had influence on each other. The results of the current study could be referred for related research. Suggestions for future researches are discussed.


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