  • 期刊


Metacognition and image-assisted in Motor Learning


本研究為探討後設認知加上影像輔助後對於動作學習的益處,本文以文獻回顧方式。藉由現今科技的發達,利用影像結合後設認知策略來輔助動作學習。影像能提供學習者回饋及修正的線索來輔助動作學習,但動作學習是一個較為複雜的歷程,單純以影像回饋可能導致學生學習錯誤而產生反效果,導致學習低落。在Admin (1971)使用「閉鎖循環論」來探討動作學習過程,發現與後設認知歷程相近,而後設認知為高層的學習策略,因此結合後設認知來輔助學習者學習,藉由後設認知中的覺知與控制來幫助學習者釐清學習困難,本研究藉由過往影像教學及後設認知文獻來探討出後設認知結合影像對學習的重要性,藉此來幫助學生學習。


後設認知 影像 反思 學習 動作技能


Based on the current teaching methods, the study aims at investigating the obstructions from general approaches of physical education to schoolchildren and corresponding solutions. In virtue of the advanced science and technology, the author managed to assist in the action learning with the combination of images and meta-cognition. The presentation of images can offer feedback and correction clues to learners to facilitate their action learning. However, the simple utilization of image feedback contributes to limited results. Furthermore, it might results in cognitive errors to learners being lack of reflective ability to cause poor academic performance. Consequently, the author combined images with meta-cognition, a high-level learning strategy, to facilitate learners' learning and assist learners in figuring out learning difficulties by dint of the awareness and control of meta-cognition. In virtue of different teaching methods, the study managed to find out the importance of meta-cognition in teaching and the benefits of assistance from images. As to the research methods, the author employed the literature review to collect literature regarding meta-cognition, action learning and image-assisted learning for further analysis.


Metacognitive image Reflection Learn skills
