  • 期刊


The Ability Indicator of Daily Living -Understanding Health Related Physical Fitness




體適能 動態伸展


Judging from today's physical fitness and the amount of exercise of elementary students nowadays, the highly a society is developed, the weaker the students' physical fitness are. Owing to the frequent use of smart phones and computers, which leads to phubbing behaviors prevalently, it relatively reduces more time for a student to engage in outdoor activities. Thus, at the beginning of a school year, the Ministry of Education requests schools to test students' physical fitness from fourth to sixth graders. It shows that students' BMI value are higher, and the body type of most students are obese in shape, which is easier to find in a lower basal metabolic rate as well as higher body fat. Meanwhile, it results in sluggish lifestyles and tends not to engage in exercise. In order for students to gain a deeper understanding of the physical fitness, designers come up with a series of physical fitness courses, combining fundamental body movements with activities such as jogging, jumping and other games, together with the concept and training mode of dynamic stretching and core muscles. Through these courses integrating exercising into daily life, it helps students improve their body conditions and makes exercise a habit.


Physical Fitness Dynamic stretching
