  • 期刊


A Study of Using Grey Prediction GM(1, 1) in Forecasting Tourists, Length of Stay, Tourism Receipts and Maximum Capacity: A Case of New Southbound Policy's Countries




This research predicts the New Southbound Policy's countries of tourists, length of stay, and tourism receipts by using GM(1, 1) and other four kinds modified GM(1, 1), which are modified 1-years-period GM(1, 1) model, modified 2-years-period GM(1, 1) model, modified 3-years-period GM(1, 1) and modified 4-years-period GM(1, 1) model. Meanwhile, forecasting the maximum capacity of three major regions tourists and tourism receipts by using Verhulst method. Among these five methods, the result of modified 1-years-period GM(1, 1) by starting in odd years is the best, and the mean error is 3.68%. The Verhulst method indicates that the maximum capacity of tourists and tourism receipts have reached the peak. The major finding of this study are summarized as follows: First, GM(1, 1) prediction is precise in forecasting tourists, length of stay, and tourism receipts. Second, forecasting through the modified 1-years-period GM(1, 1) by starting in odd years. All countries of tourists most have a growing trend. Above of then, New Zealand and Australia have the highest growth rate. Third, regarding the length of stay. Tour group of staying 8-15 days has the highest increase in the future. Fourth, the Verhulst method indicates that the maximum capacity of tourists has reached saturation from 2019 to 2020. Finally, the Verhulst model displays the maximum capacity of tourism receipts will be a supersaturated state and negative growth in 2019. Therefore, there is room for improvement in the government's New Southbound Policy. Hoping the results of this study will provide the tourism industry and relevant government department as references for planning the tourism policy and related strategy.


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