  • 期刊


Analyzing the Content of the "Enterprise IPR Management Regulation" Released by the Jiangsu Province of China and Its Impact on the Taiwanese Investors in China


企業或組織都想找出核心競爭力(core competence)以利於在競爭激烈的市場中勝出,並成爲其永續成長的動力。但是要找到核心競爭力,企業必須瞭解己身所擁有的資源,並結合內外部因素,例如:強化內部研發能量、有效管理智慧財產等,重視外部的供應鏈廠商、顧客等關係,甚至是利用法律體制來保障自己權益,如此才有可能創造出獨特的競爭優勢。 本文認爲企業或組織除可透過系統化的管理制度達成技術開發、智慧財產取得等目標外,外部因素中政府之政策或措施亦佔有非常重要的關鍵地位。由美國、日本相關的推動成效得知,藉由制定國家級的智慧財產政策,可以建立完善的企業發展環境,並且協助廠商進行智慧財產的管理,進而創造與運用優質的智慧財產成果及競爭優勢。 故本文將以2008年4月中國大陸江蘇省所公告的「企業知識產權管理規範」內容爲主要研究範圍,希望達成以下目標: 一、瞭解中國大陸「國家知識產權戰略」與相關配套措施的實際執行方式,以及對企業的影響。 二、解析江蘇省「企業知識產權管理規範」內容、政策誘因與對該省台商的影響。 三、分析該規範與台灣智慧財產管理規範(TIPS)內容的差異,以瞭解相關政策作爲影響企業創造核心競爭力之外部因素的意涵。 四、提供相關措施內容給我國主管機關或TIPS執行單位,作爲未來政策規劃與推行的參考。


Ever since Professors Prahalad and Hamel published the article, ”The Core Competence of the Corporation” on the Harvard Business Review in 1990, enterprises themselves as well as governments in the world all strive to identify their core competence which is recognized as an enterprise’s main source of competitiveness and thus the main driving force of sustaining the economic growth of a country. This essay proposes that apart from establishing an internal systematic management system within an enterprise, from the experiences of the U.S. and Japan, building a sound IP protection environment through effective national IP policies and related measures are crucial for assisting enterprises to create, manage and exploit their IP thereby ”find” their core competence in today's knowledge-based economy. In April this year, the Jiangsu province of China has released ”Enterprise IPR Management Regulation”, which is an important move for implementing Jiangsu's IPR strategy. This essay thus focuses on the content of this Regulation and aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. understand China's national IPR strategy and its impact on enterprises. 2. analyze the content of Jiangsu's ”Enterprise IPR Management Regulation” and its impact on the Taiwanese investors in Jiangsu. 3. compare the differences of the requirements between Jiangsu's ”Enterprise IPR Management Regulation” and Taiwan's ”Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System” (”TIPS”). 4. Provide future policies and related measures for the official authorities in Taiwan.
