  • 期刊


On the Distribution of Civil Liability Responsible for Genetic Contamination and Thus Incurred Damage Compensation Mechanism


自全球第一件GMO商業化運用以來,迄今已超過十年,基因污染不再只是研究人員的假設性問題,全球各地不時傳出基因污染或GMO非法外流或釋出的事例。隨著全球GM作物栽種面積的不斷擴大,基因污染發生的可能性以及所引發的問題,日益受到各國重視,因基因外流而造成混雜的案件時有所聞,在GM科技發展較為快速的國家,本於「基因污染」而提起的訴訟案件也已實際發生。 當前,基因污染的責任議題已成爲GMO相關法制研究領域的新興議題,放眼國際,關於利用現代生物技術進行農業生產過程中所產生之損害應如何劃歸其責任及予以補償,各國作法不同,部分歐陸法系國家採取訂定特別規定的作法;不過在英美法系國家,則並未採取特別立法的方式,因此,若有具體個案發生,回歸由法院所發展出來的普通法的一般侵權原則處理之。基因污染責任之探討在我國尚屬新興議題,本文將先分別介紹先進國家法制面如何處理GMO發展所引起的基因污染問題,包括英美法系所使用的侵權行爲法理,以及部分歐盟國家所採取的特殊規定模式,最後回歸我國法制的探討。


It has been over 10 years foregone since the first research result of GMO successfully commercialized. ”Genetic pollution” or ”genetic contamination” is no longer a hypothetical scenario, around the world, cases related to unlawful gene flow or accused of ”genetic pollution” or ”genetic contamination” could be heard, reported or even sued. With the constant spread of the planting fields of GM Crops, probability of the occurrence of gene flow or genetic contamination has increased. Thus advanced countries not only enhance their biosafety control on GMO, but also start to consider how to develop a suitable regime of liability distribution and compensation mechanism. At present, the distribution of civil liability responsible for genetic contamination and its thus incurred damage compensation mechanism have become emerging legal study issue. There are different handling methods between countries. A few European countries such as Germany and Austria has special regulations in their GMO laws, while most countries with the Common Law tradition, such as the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, do not adopt any special regulations. Courts in those countries have to treat the cases of ”genetic pollution” or ”genetic contamination” based on principles of torts. Research activities related to GMO are vigorous in Taiwan, thus the issue of ”genetic pollution” or ”genetic contamination” deserves more attention. This article introduces how advanced countries treat the issue of ”genetic pollution” or ”genetic contamination” in there respect legal regimes, with the intention to bring reference materials for further consideration on how authorities in Taiwan may treat this issue.


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Khoury, Lara,Smyth, Sturat(2005).Reasonable Foreseeability and Liability in Relation to Genetically Modified Organisms.the 9th ICABR International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology: Ten Years Latter.(the 9th ICABR International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology: Ten Years Latter).:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_law (Last Visit: 2009/1/7)
Craik, Neil,Culver, Keith,Siebrasse, Norman(2007).Genetically Modified Crops and Nuisance: Exploring the Role of Precaution in Private Law.Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society.27(3),202-214.
