  • 期刊


Exploring Proactive Approach for Nanotechnology-The Development of Green Nanotechnology in the US


奈米科技的潛在風險將隨著産品生命週期而變化,自研發、製造生産至上市都存有奈米風險擴散的疑慮,封産業造成相當困擾,如何妥善處理奈米風險義題也成爲發展奈米科技的一項關鍵。 本研究報告將先介紹美國智庫伍德羅威爾趣國隙肇者中心在2007年四月提出「綠色奈米」,提倡採用「綠色奈米科技」,其原理係爲自産品生命週期的研發階段即納入環境因數考量,經由對奈米微粒的掌控,爲環境而設計奈米微粒、製造奈米材料、生産奈米産品,減少産品鏈中可能産生的環境衝擊。 再者,美國國會在2008年輿2009年修正「二十一世紀奈米科技研發法案」(21 St Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act),提出「2008國家型奈米科技發展計畫修正法案」(National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008)輿「2009國家型奈米科技發展計畫修正法案」(National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009),兩項法案均獲得衆議院初步通過,提出投入綠色奈米科技研發,開發對環境有益而無害的奈米製造方法輿奈米産品。綠色奈米科技更爲美國企業推崇,在研發過程中納入環境因數,預先處理奈米風險,減少環境污染之危害,協助企業節省成本,提高生産效率,維護公共環境輿健康安全。 故本研究報告,將以此次美國修正新階段計畫方向中的現行學界進展、相關建議作法、「2008國家型奈米科技發展計畫修正法案」、「2009國家型奈米科技發展計畫修正法案」以及實移現況,進行研究分析,歸納彙整,對我國未來研礙奈米科技法制政策輿規劃發展方向提出建議。


The risk of nanotechnology has confound the industry for a long period of time, these risks may change along the product life cycle and exist in every phase of the life cycle as it movers from research, manufacture, and enters the market. So how to handle such issue properly has become the key to success for the industry. The article herein introduces ”Green Nano” proposed by Woodrow Wilson International Center Scholars in April, 2007. ”Green Nano” demonstrates green nanotechnology by taking a life cycle approach, as it influences the design of nanomaterial and nanoproduct to minimize negative impact on the environment during the manufacture process. Green Nanotechnology has the potential to minimize and eliminate risk proactively to prevent waste, pollutions and further injuries. Meanwhile, the academia has begun conducting green nanotechnology research, as it works on implementing the life cycle approach by incorporating nanotechnology with green chemistry or green engineering to reduce waste and pollution. Furthermore, the Congress has also take action to support the development of green nanotechnology, by passing the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 and the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009. Both amendments support the development of clean, benign and environmental-friendly nanomaufacturing technology and commercialization. Besides the support from the academia and the Congress, green nanotechnology has also gain support from the industry, including international corporations and small-and-medium enterprises from the US. Therefore, the article will be discussing the development of the green nanotechnology in the US, with the recent legislation of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 and the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009, in order to provide suggestions for future planning and policy-making on nanotechnology development in Taiwan.
