  • 期刊


Legal Adjustment and Regulatory Sandbox: An Analytical Study on Japan's Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act




The Japan's Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act was enacted to enhance industrial competitiveness and set to become effective on 20 January 2014. As an important strategy of the third arrow of Abenomics, the Act includes the "System to Remove Gray Zone Areas" and the "System of Special Arrangements for Corporate Field Tests" with the aim of advancing regulatory reforms. The First System is expected to enable corporations to engage in business with confidence and avoid risks that may arise in relation to regulatory authorities or related parties after the commencement of the business. The Second System is so called "Regulatory Sandbox" and thus enable corporations proposing special regulatory arrangements to the competent ministry and relevant ministries work together to establish such arrangements. This article will analysis Japan's Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act and related measures of advancing regulatory reforms in Japan. On the basis of the study above, the author will also provide some of personal points of view toward the future development of legal adjustment and regulatory sandbox in Taiwan.


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首相官邸,成長戦略の当面の実行方針,網址:http://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/keizaisaisei/pdf/housin_honbun_131001.pdf (最後瀏覽日:2017/05/10)。
