  • 期刊


Standard Essential Patents and Antitrust Law- The Case of Qualcomm




The antitrust law implications of standard essential patents (SEPs) and the commitments given by SEP holders to standard-setting organizations (SSOs) to license their SEPs on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms is an area that continues to be of considerable controversy worldwide. SEP and FRAND issues involve high-technology enterprises, whose businesses span the globe. For the example of Qualcomm, major competition agencies throughout the world, like the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China (NDRC), the South Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC), U.S.A Federal Trade Commission (FTC), European Commission Competition, had given their idea of the intellectual property rights (IPR) and the antitrust law. Taiwan's Federal Trade Commission (TFTC) had also announced that it will fine Qualcomm NT$23.4 billion for violating antitrust law in the mobile communication standard baseband chip market. Qualcomm used its patents, which are SEP for CDMA, WCDMA, and LTE mobile technologies, to force rivals to agree to various contractual clauses that had the effect of driving up prices and maintaining its dominance in the Taiwan cell phone market. This article sets out the case for Qualcomm under the competition rules and explores the benchmarks that can be used for the standard. It is widely acknowledged that intellectual property rights are crucial to promoting innovation. But competition law plays a huge role by ensuring that such rights and monopoly is restricted in the market. Therefore, how to make balance between the intellectual property rights and competition law would be the important Study.


Standard Essential Patent Antitrust FRAND Qualcomm 5G


高通裁罰案 經濟部槓上公平會,經濟日報,2017年10月18日,https://money.udn.com/money/story/5612/2763275 (最後瀏覽日:2018/04/11)。
KFTC imposes sanctions against Qualcomm's abuse of SEPs of mobile communications, at 3, https://www.ftc.go.kr/solution/skin/doc.html?fn=50ba93a6149acc5be3cae03dc2f4de97e254681689def7a42b2e4ae6eaaf1924&rs=/fileupload/data/result/ BBSMSTR_000000002402/. 以下簡稱KFTC sanctions against Qualcomm。 at 2-3 at 5-6. at 7. at 6-8. at 6-7. , at 11-13. at 13-16.
Federal Trade Commission v. Qualcomm incorporated, Case No.17-CV-00220-LHK, at 3(N.D. Cal, 2017). 以下簡稱FTC v. Qualcomm。at 12-13. at 8-12. at 13-15. , at 30-38 . , at 46-50.
