  • 期刊


Contradiction and Conflict: The Point of view of First Line Empirical Workers on whether it is Necessary to Adapt Placement and Counseling of Youth in Juvenile Proceeding Act


少年事件處理法中之安置輔導規定運作迄今已逾10年,期間,有不少研究者關心此一領域,進行學位論文與實務研究。然而,似乎可以看出,大部分相關論述,均建構在認同安置輔導之前提基礎上。 但事實上,少年事件處理法當初引進安置輔導,究竟有無堅實之理論背景或實證基礎,非無可疑?而且,從近10年來實際運作經驗中亦發現,少年事件處理法安置輔導制度經常面臨資源缺乏、司法資源能否滿足福利填補之需求、配套措施不足、再犯比率持續升高…等等諸多困境。此外,亦有不少研究指出此項制度在實務運作上存在諸多缺失,並進而提出批判,以致於刪除少事法中安置輔導相關規定,讓安置輔導回歸社政體系之提議,更是時有所聞。 本文除介紹現行少年司法實務上安置輔導之處理流程外,並臚列說明宜否保留少年事件處理法安置輔導之正、反意見。另外,再藉由實地訪談十二位第一線實務工作者,從他(她)們實際接觸安置輔導之經驗中,歸納出其等對於少年事件處理法安置輔導業務回歸社政之看法,並據以提出相關建議,供日後相關研究或修法之參考。


Placement and counseling of youth in Juvenile Proceeding Act had been operated for over a decade. During this period, lots of researchers dedicated themselves in this area and did in-depth researches. Nonetheless, most related papers based their arguments on the importance of placement and counseling of youth. The problem is that when Juvenile Proceeding Act enforced placement and counseling of youth, were there firm theoretical footing or empirical support? In reality, Placement and counseling of youth often face challenges such as the lack of resources, the lack of judicial resources needed in welfare fill-in, the lack of supplementary measures, as well as the growth of recidivism rate. Furthermore, many researchers suggest that this system, when in practice, resulted in lots of drawbacks, and thus argued that placement and counseling of youth should be removed from Juvenile Proceeding Act and retreat to its place in social-political domain. This article discusses not only the processing procedure of placement and counseling of youth in Juvenile Proceeding Act at the present day, but also illustrates different opinions regarding whether placement and counseling of youth should still be kept in Juvenile Proceeding Act. In addition, the researcher interviewed 12 first line practitioners and asked them to conclude from their past experience with placement and counseling of youth in their opinions, while proposing useful suggestions at the same time. The findings from this research can be used as references for further research or the modification of law.


