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The Premier Pioneer of Nuclear Medicine Recognized by Taiwan and China Mainland--Professor D. J. Yeh


葉大鑄醫師1949年隨國防醫學院遷台,任陸軍總醫院內科總醫師,1952年爭取赴美進修,以其敏銳眼光第三年轉申請Johns Hopkins的Barnes臨床生化實驗室Research fellow十載研究,1957年取得生物化學科學博士(Dr. Sc.:Doctor of Science in biochemistry)學位。1960年代正是核子醫學萌芽階段,目賭Dr. Wagner 從內科部轉攻核子醫學領域,很快的Johns Hopkins變成了全美核子醫學的聖地。1976年,喬治華盛頓大學核醫科主任Dr. Richard Reba,後任支加哥大學醫學院核醫部主任,當過美國核子醫學雜誌(J Nucl Med)十年主編的Frank H. DeLand,都跟Dr. Wagner進修過。當時世界各國的核醫工作者都希望在Dr. Wagner手下學習後,再回國拓展。Dr. Wagner與葉大鑄教授無形中成為核子醫學領域上重要的伙伴。首屆世界華人核子醫學研討會(World Chinese Conference of Nuclear Medicine)於 1993年8月8-11日在中國無錫舉行,葉大鑄教授、Dr. Wagner、Dr. Richard Reba均應邀參加。1980、l990乃至2000年代初期,中美兩國逐漸聯繫密切,葉大鑄教授提攜後進不遺餘力,廣納大陸核醫專家來美進修,同時也不忘多次回台講學。2016年,葉教授榮膺約翰霍普斯金大學傑出校友,實至名歸。葉氏年近期頤,與夫人黃美蘭伉儷情深,育有二女皆有成。葉大鑄教授為世界核醫先驅,被海峽兩岸三地尊稱為「華人核子醫學之父」。


When year of 1949 National Defense Medical Center(NDMC) moved from Shanghai, China to Taipei, Taiwan, Dr. D. J. Yeh is the first assigned as Chief of Resident in the Department of Internal Medicine. As1952 completely his chief resident, he had opportunity to the John Hopkins, US affiliated Hospital to complete 2 years. When he recognized the "John Hopkins" is a famous researches Centre he decided to join accerdemic advance(Dr. Sc. D.=Doctor of Biochemistry) followed years a research fellow. He spent 3 years dedicated Sc D. program. At the same-time eye-widnsee Henry Jr. Wagner from Internal Medicine becomes Nuclear Medicine: John Hopkins/Baltimore, MD becomes a famous "Place". Likely, R. Reba was chief of Nuclear Medicine ; the editor of Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Frank H. DeLand , were under Dr. Wagner program. Dr. Yeh and Dr. Wagner become good friends especially in the of Nuclear Medicine field. World Chinese Conference of Nuclear Medicine was taken placed between August 8-11, 1993 at Wuxi, China, Drs. Wagner and Reba were invited. In 1980, 1990, and 2000, as US and China two countries were more closer communications Dr. D. J. Yeh brought Nuclear Medicine physicians/young-fellows from mainland China to US for further study, and the same time Dr. Yeh never forgot to support Taiwan Nuclear Medicine education. In 1996 Dr. D.J. Yeh honorary retired from John Hopkins Institute and selected Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dr. D.J. Yeh retired living New York City with his wife, Mrs. Mai-Lan Huang, and two daughters with their successful carriers. As Dr. D.J. Yeh is a premier pioneers of Nuclear Medicine, he is generally recognized as "The father of Chinese Nuclear Medicine" by China Mainland, Taiwan, and the Hong Kong Region.


葉大鑄:一些難忘的往事。源遠季刊:第 27 期, 203-107 頁,2008。
葉大鑄:回顧六十年前在巴特摩的十年。源遠季刊 46 期 54-56 頁,2013.10交流:國防醫學院美洲校友會第 44 卷 19-23 頁,2013 . 9 。
葉大鑄:回顧六十年前在巴特摩的十年。國防醫學院美洲校友會第 44 卷 19-23 頁,2013 . 9 。
Roland A. Caessesens: “Highlight from the First World Chinese Conference of Nucleae Medinine, WuXI, China.(SNM) J Nuclear Med. No.12, P. 35-38, 1993.12
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