  • 期刊


The Analysis of Fitness Equipments' Target Market


健身運動風氣逐步上揚的這幾年,健身器材的目標市場從重點學校擴展到一般學校及民間營利與非營利休閒健康俱樂部,家用健身器材也見龐大商機。本文想要探討的是:除了顯性目標市場,健身器材的潛在目標市場在哪裡呢?目的是提出一些值得生產及經銷健身器材的業者參考,更期盼本文內容有助於休閒運動系所學生累積行銷與銷售健身器材的專業知能。以下為主要結語: 一、有健康、解壓需求的公民營機構及民間營利非營利組織者都是健身器材業者的顯性目標市場。如公共部門的早在市鄉鎮警察局、警分局,或者軍隊教育訓練中心;非營利組織的各級學校及職業訓練中心;營利企業的服務及資訊等民間企業。 二、只要製造及經銷商從「工廠、銷售導向」轉為「市場導向」,潛在目標市場立即浮現。致力創新研究能夠開發新的目標市場。軟體及周邊器材是提升健身服務所不可欠缺,也是潛在市場之一。


In recent year, there are more people who are willing to spend time on working out in fitness clubs; in other word, fitness equipments', market are expanded from sports schools to local schools and fitness clubs. There is also future seen in the market of home fitness equipments. The main purpose of this study was to find out where the potential future market of fitness equipments was. It was also hoped that the study could have some contribution to recreational management major students who wished to gain the knowledge of fitness equipments selling. The conclusions were as followed: 1. The fitness equipments shop runners should have locked on their selling targets on public and private institutions workers who needed pressure relief services. 2. The potential goal would have emerged as long as the producers switched their focus from factory selling to market selling. The software and equipment accessories were also potential to develop in the future.
