  • 期刊


The Junggar Mongol's Disorder during the Qianlong Empire



清王朝自建立以來,始終未能平息來自蒙古的勢力挑戰,特別是來自準噶爾蒙古部的挑釁。而歷經三朝才終止的蒙古勢力除了在北亞草原形成動亂之外,這股力量更影響到西藏一地的安穩與否,本文乃藉由此切入討論。 乾隆朝的準噶爾部動亂如何影響到藏地情勢,首先要上推蒙古諸部的分合與遷徙,這也正說明歷史事件並非突如其來,是有遠因逐漸形成。因為蒙古諸部的爭伐不僅是在蒙古游牧地同時也在青海及西藏展開,這也凸顯出藏地的主控權其實是操縱在蒙古諸汗與滿清帝國的手中。 雖然準噶爾的動亂主要是在新疆地區進行,但這其中卻是卻牽涉到西藏的情勢,透過時間與事件的分析可以觀察到當時藏區的主導力量之演變,西藏的管理與政治體系有了決定性改變,都在清帝國平定準噶爾事件所帶動的,因此為文討論。 本文即特別就此一時期進行探討,希望能對準噶爾事件所牽動的西藏局勢,再說明,也借此來討論蒙藏兩族的民族互動關係與西藏與新疆的地區連動情勢。


The Mongolian force has long been challenging the Qing dynasty ever since the Qing Empire established, especially the Junggar Mogol. This Mongolian force became not only a disorder of the north Asia but also the influential of Tibet's stability. How the Junggar Mogol affected the Tibet's stability was caused by the migrating history of the different tribes. The serials of war between the different Mongols' tribes took place in both Qinghai and Tibet areas. That explained the fact that the sovereign rights of Tibet was actually in the hand of Mongol Kons and Manchou Empire. Although the turmoil took place mainly in the Xingjian region, but the truly concern was toward Tibet. At the same time we can realize the instructive power changed from Mongol to Manchou because the Qinalong conquered Junggar. This article specifically confers this period of time and tries to illustrate the influence of Junggar issue toward Tibet.


Qing dynasty Junggar Mongol Tibetan
