  • 期刊


Signifier of Music Meaning World: The Conformity between Music Aesthetics with Natural Harmony and Music Physics



音樂的心理學是感性的,而音樂的物理學是理性、邏輯、可實驗的。然而,構成音樂意義世界的元素,尚包含感覺和激情,人心理對自然和諧音樂美感的追求,以及和諧音樂所促成自在優美心靈境界。這一連串心中感應變化的歷程是建立在和諧音聲的物理性基礎上,而音樂的物理性是可以透過系統性邏輯論證,以強化音樂的理性力量美。感性與理性兩者是不同的軌道。如何讓感性的音樂意義世界建立在理性的音樂物理性基礎上,使主觀的審美判斷理性的音樂自然之和契合,是本文的問題意識。研究題材主要聚焦嵇康〈聲無哀樂論〉音樂美學,輔以中國經典樂論如《呂氏春秋》、《左傳》、《國語》等,與西方蘇格拉底、漢斯利克(Eduard Hanslick)的樂論進行互文、對話,透過辨名析理探究音樂的物理學如何與音樂美學架接。研究結果指出「和」是音樂的本質,音樂形式與數學存在著密不可分的關係,在此音樂的物理學基礎上,本文闡釋音樂如何扮演著淨化人心的角色,以及在音樂美感教育上如何選擇合適的音樂曲式。古今中西樂論的不同觀點對於美感教育具有一定的參考價值。


Music psychology is sensual, while music physics is rational, logical, and experimental. However, the building blocks of a music meaning world also include feelings, passions, the pursuit of music aesthetics with natural harmony, and the free and beautiful spiritual realm created by harmonious music. The series of inductive transform processes in heart is based on the physics of harmonious music, which can be demonstrated through systematic logic to strengthen the rational power of music. Sensibility and rationality are on different tracks. The problem awareness of this article is how to make the sensual music meaning world based on rational music physics, so that the conformity between subjective aesthetic judgment and the rational natural harmony of music could be possible. The research theme mainly focuses on the music aesthetics of Ji Kang's "Sheng Wu Ai Le Lun", supplemented by the music discourses in Chinese classics such as "Lu Shi Chun-Qiu", "Zuo Zhuan", "Guo yu", etc., in addition to those b y western scholars like Socrates and Eduard Hanslick. These are used to proceed cross analysis and dialogue. Discriminant analysis between noun and reality is used to explores how music physics is connected to music aesthetics. The results indicate that "harmony" is the essence of music, while its form is inextricably linked with mathematics. On the basis of music physics, this paper elucidates how music plays the role of purifying human souls, and how to choose the right music style for music aesthetic education. The music theories from Chinese and western viewpoints in ancient and modern times have certain reference value in aesthetic education.
