  • 期刊


The Research on the Relationships between Demographics and Locus of Control Personality Traits in Banking Industry


從過去的研究不難發現,工作滿足與工作績效某種程度受員工人格特質所影響。有鑑於過去極少學者以「內外控取向」人格特質來進行工作滿足、工作績效之相關研究,是以本研究嘗試依據相關學術文獻所提供的理論基礎,經STATISTICA統計軟體分析銀行從業人員不同人口統計變項之內外控人格特質傾向,以供後續研究者進行其與工作滿足、工作績效之關聯性研究。 本研究係以台南地區12家公民營銀行之從業人員爲研究對象,每家銀行隨機各發出20份問卷,利用問卷調查收集資料。回收223份問卷並剔除不完整答卷後,有效回收問卷合計共199份,有效回收率爲82.9%。本研究係以STATISTIC 6.1軟體對199份有效問卷進行Basic Descriptive Statistic、T-test、ANOVA、Duncan's multiple range test來探討變數之問的關係,並根據研究結果提出以下研究發現: 一、研究顯示銀行從業人員在人格特質部份,男性較女性更爲內控取向;已婚較未婚更爲內控取向;主管較非主管更爲內控取向;內控取向45歲(含)以上最高、其次爲25(含)-35歲、35(含)-45歲、25歲以下最低;內控取向碩博士最高、其次爲高中職及專科、大學最低;內控取向10年(含)-20年最高、其次爲20年(含)以上、5年以下、10年(含)-20年最低。 二、銀行從業人員因性別、年齡、學歷、婚姻、職位等五項個人背景變項對人格特質有顯著差異;銀行從業人員人格特質不因服務年資有顯著差異。


The exploration of this study mainly focuses on the the purpose of examining the relationships between demographics and locus of control personality traits of staffs in banking industry. In addition, the research problem of this paper is the existing literature and theory or by the questionnaires survey about the relevant influential variables. The study utilized staffs in Tainan's banking industry as study subjects, sent 240 questionnaires in total and completed questionnaires were returned by 199 (82.9% response rate). After Basic Descriptive Statistic; T-test; ANOVA; and Duncan's multiple range test analyzed with the STATISTIC 6.1 analysis program, this research attempted to explore the following two concerns: 1. Find out the locus of control personality traits of staffs in the banking sectors at present. 2. Find out the demographics and locus of control personality traits of staffs in banking industry are conspicuous relevant influential at present.


