  • 期刊


Beethoven's Eighth Symphony-The Discussion of Undedicated Reasons and the Analysis of Composition


在貝多芬九首交響曲裡,1812年所創作的第八號交響曲是貝多芬唯一未題贈的交響曲。雖然第八號交響曲未題贈給任何人,但貝多芬卻在與朋友的信裡提到第八號交響曲是他所鍾愛的交響曲,其原因爲何令人好奇。本文試圖透過當時的時空背景與第八號交響曲分析,探討第八號交響曲創作。 從樂曲創作的時代背景與作品分析可以提供幾點未提贈之因: 一、三位貴族(Archduck Rudolph, Prince Lobkowitz, Prince Kinsky)於1809年3月l日共同簽署每年付給貝多芬4000弗洛林(Florin)的協議,但因各種原因,致使年金無法給付。 二、從1812年的貝多芬與友人的信件可知,貝多芬堅持著藝術家應有的使命感,不能因爲貴族在金錢的幫助或官銜的授予,降低身爲藝術家身分與責任。 三、第八號交響曲首演所得到的反應並不熱烈,而且評論也反應平平,但貝多芬卻一再表示他對第八號交響曲的喜愛。因此,透過樂曲分析來看其喜愛之因。 四、樂曲本身形式基本上不變,但各樂章音樂素材的運用具有相互關聯性,使樂曲更真統一性。 綜合上述時代背景與樂曲分析,顯示第八號交響曲就算不提贈給任何人,但作品本身的音樂素材處理所反應的,卻是對交響曲的創作具有承先啟後的影響。就算當時的評價不高,但從貝多芬第八號交響曲的音樂內容來看,其意義卻是深遠。


貝多芬 拿破崙 交響曲 1812 維也納


Beethoven's Eighth Symphony was the only work which was not dedicated to anyone among his nine symphonies. However, Beethoven was rather fond of this composition, according a letter to his friend. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to explore the artistic creation of this work, and analyze the social background and the musical material of the Eighth Symphony. Based on social c1imate of Beethoven's time and analysis of this composition, there were four main reasons why this particular work was not dedicated: Firstly, although Archduke Rudolph, Prince Lobkowitz and Prince Kinsky signed a joint agreement, which they endorsed to pay Beethoven 4,000 florins per year, Beethoven didn't receive his payment for some reasons. Secondly, we could find the letters that Beethoven corresponded with his friends in 1812, Beethoven insisted on a faith that an artist could not despise his mission and responsibility while he was sponsored or given an official title from nobleman. Thirdly, the premiere of the Eighth Symphony did not receive a burst of applause, and the review for this composition was mixed. Nevertheless, Beethoven remained indifferent to the review and expressed his fondness for this symphony. Finally, the basic form of 8eethoven's Eighth Symphony is not changed, but the manipulation of musical material and components in each movement is mutually connected, which make this symphony a coherent piece of art. To sum up, the social climate then might have caused Beethoven's Eighth Symphony to remain undedicated; nonetheless, the analysis of this symphony's musical material and manipulation reveals the influence for the creation of symphonies. Furthermore, even though the reviews for this symphony were less than enthusiastic, the musical content of Beethoven's Eight Symphony has its undeniable significance and value.


Beethoven Napoleon symphony 1812 Vienna


