  • 期刊


Refining "Modernism" - A Study on the Musical Compositions from the 1970s to 1980s by Deh-Ho Lai from an Archival Perspective




This article approaches the music works of Deh-Ho Lai, a renown Taiwanese composer, from the perspective of archival studies. Through the procedures of logical classification, compilation and preservation, the author focuses on works composed between 1970s and 1980s for the study. By contextualizing the works within the social environment and the ideological thoughts in Taiwan, the historical background is to be reconstructed and juxtaposed with these works. Lai composed some 30 pieces of musical works during this period of time, with more than half of them premiered or performed in important contemporary music activities at that time. These works not only witnessed the blossoming of serious contemporary music, but also steered the development of "modern" music in Taiwan. This article begins with the archives of Deh-Ho Lai and probes into how he conceptualized the different ways the seeds of "modern music" were planted and harvested from the 1970s to 1980s in Taiwan.


賴德和。《賴德和檔案》。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館。【Lai, Deh-Ho. Lai Deh-Ho Collection. Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.】
行政院文化建設委員會徵選創作入選證明書,1992 年,PM003。《賴德和檔案》。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館。【Certificate of Selection for Composition, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, 1992, PM003. Lai Deh-Ho Collection. Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.】
《紅樓夢》交響曲專輯出版宣傳海報,1994年,EP050B。《賴德和檔案》。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館。【Album Publication Poster of The Dream of the Red Chamber Symphony, 1994, EP050B. Lai Deh-Ho Collection. Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.】
賴德和。《紅樓夢》交響曲(音樂會版),2009 年,MS044。《賴德和檔案》。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館。【Lai, Deh-Ho. The Dream of the Red Chamber Symphony (Concert version), 2009, MS044. Lai Deh-Ho Collection. Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.】
賴德和。舞劇《紅樓夢》(總譜手稿),1983 年 8 月,MS037。《賴德和檔案》。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館。【Lai, Deh-Ho. The Dream of the Red Chamber, the Ballet (Music manuscript), August 1983, MS037. Lai Deh-Ho Collection. Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.】
