  • 期刊


Applying QFD to Explore Internationalization of Dragon Boat Race Festival


根據世界觀光組織表示觀光旅遊已成為許多國家外匯收入的主要來源之一,不僅透過觀光交流展現一國的人文內涵與經濟實力,亦對改善整體環境與提升國家文化素質助益非淺。節慶活動可以帶動活絡地方發展,而端午節是國人所重視的傳統節慶之一,尤以龍舟競賽視為傳承端午節的節慶活動,更躍上國際亮點吸引觀光客目光慕名前來觀賞參與活動競賽。有鑑於此,本研究在節慶活動龍舟競賽的實境下,應用心智圖(Mind Map)有效整合顧客心聲,導入品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD),取得品質技術優先順序,探討龍舟競賽推向國際之可行方案。研究結果獲致「舉辦比賽」、「龍舟整體設計」、「國際賽事接軌」、「訓練場地」和「環境設施」等五項為改善服務品質之重點方向,並依據提出節慶活動龍舟競賽傳統與國際接軌之管理意涵和船體設計意涵提出建議方案,管理意涵包含「全民參與場地的規劃」、「國際競賽場地的配置」、「划船競技教育館的設置」。船體設計意涵包含「船頭藝術裝置與船體材質外型改良」、「傳統結合西式划船」,據此提供主辦賽會單位落實節慶活動國際化並取得國際競賽佳績。


Tourism industry has served as an effective medium for creating enormous wealth in 21st century. According to World Tourism Organization (WTO), tourism has been one of a major sources of revenue for many countries, not only creating business opportunities derived from leisure and entertainment but also presenting humanistic implications, economic strength and infrastructure modernization level of one country through tourism exchange that greatly benefits the improvement of overall environment and increases cultural attainment of one country. Among many alluring festivals which can boost local economic development, Dragon Boat Festival is a major festival for the Chinese people. Especially dragon boat race is embodied in an intangible cultural heritage of dragon boat festival that attracts international tourists to come one after another out of admiration for visit and participation. In view of this fact, this research aims to delve into the discussion with athletes, coaches and experts as well as explore the application of mind map to collect customer voice in the context of reality dragon boat race festival. This study has introduced quality function deployment (QFD) to obtain priority sequence of quality technology. Five inventive principles are obtained to make ameliorative suggestions for international competing units and athletes and help them to get better achievement in international tournaments. The five inventive principles are as follows "allocation of venue planning", "international venue layout" and "establishment of rowing education center" in terms of management implication; design of "the head of the boat installed with light, amelioration for materials and length of the hull" and "dragon boat in western style rowing" in terms of hull design implication.


Mind Map Quality Function Deployment QFD


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