  • 期刊


A Study of the Correlation Between Baseball Cultural Expenences for KANO Theme Park and Band Festival Tourism Image


自2014年電影《KANO》播映以來,嘉義又重新點燃了棒球原鄉的熱情,一系列《KANO》影片及棒球相關的活動陸續推出,也吸引了本地及外地遊客來朝聖。嘉義市政府更斥資3200餘萬元,在市立棒球場周邊打造「KANO主題園區」,並已於2017年8月6日隆重揭幕啟用,期盼「KANO主題園區」能繼續發揚KANO精神並推動棒球運動文化及觀光。嘉義市國際管樂節(Chiayi City International Band Festival)從1993年舉辦第一屆管樂節至今,已共舉辦了26屆,每屆管樂節都舉辦在每年12月,是臺灣最盛大的古典音樂節。本研究主旨即在探討KANO主題園區棒球文化體驗與管樂節慶觀光意象之關聯性。並根據本研究結果,提出理論與實務意涵及建議,期能提供相關人員作為後續研究之參考。


The movie "KANO" let people craze for Chiayi, the Baseball Hometown since it had broastcased in 2014. A series of "KANO" videos and related baseball activities had launched to attract also both natives and tourists to pilgrim. Chiayi City Government invest more than 32 million NT dollars as well to build a "KANO Theme Park" in the periphery of the Municipal Baseball Stadium, and it is expected to be completed end of 2017 . And we are looking forward that "KANO Theme Park" can continue to carry KANO spirit but also to promot the culture of baseball and sightseeing. Since Chiayi City International Band Festival was held in 1993, It had been 26 sessions. Band Festival is always held in December per year. It is the most grand Band Festival in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to probe into the correlation between Baseball Cultural Expenences for KANO Theme Park and Band Festival Tourism Image. According to the results of this study proposes the theoretical and practical implications and suggestions able to provide the relevant persons and the follow-up research as a reference.


維基百科,《KANO》。資料引自 http://zh.wikipedia.org//zh-tw/KANO
KANO 主題園區。資料引自http://navyblue77.pixnet.net/blog/post/47445258-%5B%E5%98%89%E7%BE%A9%E5%B8%82%5D%E7%84%A1%E6%89%80%E7%95%8F%E6%87%BC%E7%9A%84%E9%87%8E%E7%90%83%E9%AD%82--kano%E5%9C%92%E5%8D%80.kano%E6%99%AF%E8%A7%80
