  • 期刊

Ten-Year Review of Pediatric Burn Hospitalizations in Southern Taiwan at a Burn Unit: Epidemiology and Changing Trends



背景:燒傷是導致兒童族群因外傷住院的一項重要原因,且經常導致終身毀容和身體的孱弱。而在有關燒傷治療的改進,及大眾教育和相關法律訂定的努力下,已經對解決和預防這一個重大流行病學的問題產生效果和影響。目的及目標:本文旨在研究因小兒燒傷而住院的相關流行病學,並分析這類族群的相關趨勢。材料及方法:以南台灣單一醫學中心之燒傷病房中,因小兒燒傷相關的住院病人進行十年期的回顧性分析。在此十年的研究期間內,所有未滿16歲的燒傷病房住院病人均被納入研究。結果:總共732個住院病人中,以燙傷(scald burn)佔絕大多數(89.5%);所有受傷的地點都發生在室內,且都導因於家庭危險環境的暴露。大多數燒傷傷口面積較小且表淺,只有5.7%的患者接受手術治療(42例接受清創手術;20例接受植皮手術;2例接受游離皮瓣重建手術)。在預後方面,幾乎所有患者(94.3%)的傷口都癒合良好。而併發症包括12例(1.6%)傷口感染,9例(1.2%)瘢痕攣縮,以及1例因肺炎而死亡。而在台灣宣導燒傷“急救五步驟"(沖,脫,泡,蓋,送)及大眾教育的努力下,因燒傷有關的住院發生率自2005年以來逐漸下降。結論:小兒燒傷仍然是流行病學上一件重大的問題。我們希望可以投入更多的努力在防止更多小兒燒傷的傷害,且進一步降低小兒燒傷發生率,死亡率及住院天數等。




Background: Burn injury in the pediatric population is a major cause of injury related hospitalization frequently leading to life-long disfigurement and debilitation. Improvement in burn care, efforts at public education and legislation has been effected to address and prevent this major epidemiological problem. Aim and Objectives: This review aims to study the epidemiology of pediatric burn injury related hospitalization, and identify trends in this group of injury. Materials and Methods: A ten-year retrospective review of pediatric burn-injury-related hospitalizations in a burn unit in Southern Taiwan was conducted. All admissions to the burn unit under the age of 16 were included within the study period. Results: Of the seven hundred and thirty-two consecutive admissions, scald burns constituted the significant majority (89.5%), all of which occurred indoors and resulted from exposure to a household hazard. Most burns were small in size and superficial, and only 5.7% of patients underwent surgical intervention (42 debridement, 20 skin grafting, and 2 free flap reconstruction). With respect to the outcome, almost all patients (94.3%) healed uneventfully. Complications included wound infection in 12 patients (1.6%), scar contracture in 9 (1.2%), and 1 mortality related to pneumonia. Efforts in public education of the "Five-Step Aid" (Flush, Remove, Soak, Cover, and Send) in Taiwan contributed to the decreasing incidence of burn-related admissions since 2005. Conclusion: Pediatric burn injuries are still significant problems. We hope that more effort can be put into preventing more such injuries and that it will further decrease the incidence, mortality, and length of hospital stay in pediatric burn injuries.


pediatric burn children ten-year review epidemiology
