  • 期刊

Buttock and Perianal Giant Condyloma Acuminatum (Buschke-Löwenstein tumor)-A Case Report



背景:巨大尖形濕疣(Perianal Buschke-Löwenstein tumor)是一少見之感染性皮膚腫瘤,型態學上介於良性與惡性腫瘤之間,易復發或產生癌化病變。目的及目標:巨大尖形濕疣的治療方式很多。我們報告一位利用簡單外科切除、配合刮除及電燒治療多發性及散在性巨大尖形濕疣。材料及方法:一名男性因多發性巨大會陰部皮膚腫瘤求診。因無法排除惡性及直腸侵犯,故安排影像、切片及大腸鏡檢,結果確認較屬良性特徵。我們利用簡單外科切除、配合刮除及電燒治療至真皮層,再覆蓋生物敷料協助傷口癒合。病理化驗證實為良性巨大尖形濕疣。結果:經二十個月門診追蹤,傷口癒合良好且未有復發之情形。結論:巨大尖形濕疣為臨床上看似惡性之良性腫瘤,我們利用簡單外科手術方式治療可達良好成效。




Background: Buschke-Löwenstein tumor (BLT), also known as Giant condyloma acuminatum, is an unusual sexually transmitted disease with a high rate of recurrence, and the possibility of malignant transformation. Aim and Objectives: This study presents an unusual case of large dimension BLT spread over a wide area. The tumor was treated with complete surgical excision. Materials and Methods: A 57-year-old male visited our department for the treatment of multiple tumors over his scrotum, penis, perianal, and buttock regions. Preoperative biopsy revealed Buschke-Löwenstein tumors. The tumors were surgically treated by complete excision to the partial dermis associated with wide-based curettage and electrical cauterization. The defects were covered by using a piece of hydrocolloid dressing for healing in second intention. Histological analysis demonstrated that the lesions were benign. Results: No relapse occurred during a 20-month postoperative follow-up. Conclusion: Because of they are benign skin lesions, no wide or deep excision is indicated and no skin graft or flap is necessary. Complete tumors resection with healing by second intention and closely clinical observation are indicated to treatment of giant condyloma acuminatum.
