  • 期刊

Intraneural Lipoma of the Ulnar Nerve at Wrist-A Case Report



Background: Intraneural lipoma (INL) was reported in arm, wrist and hand as rare benign neoplasms. INLs can be mostly enucleated by interfascicular dissection without damaging to the surrounding nerve fibers and structures. Aims and Objectives: We review literature on clinical presentation, distinguishing imaging features, surgical concerns and functional outcome regarding this unique tumor. Materials and Methods: In this article, we presented a 46-year-old male patient with intraneural lipoma of the ulnar nerve at wrist without compression neuropathy. Complete enucleation of the mass was performed without damage to the neighboring neurovascular bundle. Results: Patient recovered with good ulnar nerve function without complication of ulnar neuropathy 3 month post-operatively. Conclusion: Lipomas are the most common soft tissue tumor found in trunk but intraneural involvement of peripheral nerves are rare. Although some may present with clinical neuropathy or motor disturbance through ulnar nerve compression, patients could also be asymptomatic. Clinical symptom along with the help of image tool such as sonography, CT scan and MRI are to confirm the diagnosis and surgical planning. Surgical treatment involves meticulous interfascicular dissection with complete enucleation of the mass. We reported a rare case of intraneural lipoma of ulnar nerve at the wrist.




