  • 期刊


Reflections on Communal Conflict between the Muslims and the Hindus in India




This paper deals with the problems of communalism in modem Indian Subcontinent. Using the example of Hindu and Muslim conflict, the issue of communalism is explored within social-historical context. Indian Muslim was introduced to the Indian Subcontinent with political, societal and cultural overtone. Political domination with religious causes makes it difficult to have genuine inter-religious discourse between Islam and Hinduism. Therefore, during the eras of the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire, there was no wide-ranging dialogue between these two traditions. The political oppression and religious aggression of the Islamic kingdom only antagonized Hindu and Muslim communities in the Indian Subcontinent. The rise of modem nationalism at the end of the eighteenth century in Europe and its subsequent dissemination to other continents brought a new point of departure in British India. In terms of its goal of seeking independence, Indian nationalism in the beginning was more of a political realization than religious consciousness. Yet, in the process of political struggle against British colonialism, Muslims, facing Hindu majority, felt more and more alienated from common Indian course. In the end, communal passion dominated and Pakistan as an "imagined nation" was carved out. This was the ultimate triumph of the communalism on the Subcontinent. The terror of partition loomed ahead.


Communalism Mughal Empire Nationalism Partition Jinnah Nehru
