  • 期刊


Western Science and Christianity: The Tension between Reason and Faith in the early Seventeenth Century




This paper explores the tense relationship between reason and faith in the early 17th century through an analysis of domestic scholars' arguments concerning Science and Religion. Through an examination of the histories of theology and natural philosophy prior to the 17th century, this paper demonstrates the tension that regularly existed between reason, that which is emphasized by Science/Philosophy, and revelatory faith, that which is emphasized by and Religion/Theology. This tension arose at a time when philosophical views and theological authorities had different understandings of the natural world. The interpretation of the Bible's scriptures then became the crucial point. Facing this issue, Christian scholars would either defend the literal meaning of certain Biblical verses or accept philosophical views and maintain that the meaning of the scriptural passages was merely metaphorical. Augustine once suggested a "principle of Biblical interpretation"- one should not rashly and stubbornly reject (or accept) a different interpretation if there is no harm to faith. This gave philosophers room to debate new theories, but in their practical application, Christian scholars found it difficult to come to a common consensus. In the 17th century, Galileo and Kepler followed Augustine's "principle of Biblical interpretation" and supported Copernican heliocentrism; however, opponents believed that heliocentrism posed a danger to Christian faith. Supporters and opponents of Copernicus' theory both attempted to convince each other amidst the tension between reasonably comprehending the natural world and not harming faith.


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