  • 期刊


When Religion Meets Gender: A Brief Examination of the Current Status and Challenges of LGBTI Inclusive Education in Taiwan, Based on the Experiences of a Low-Level Teacher




Since the implementation of the Gender Equality Education Law in 2004, LGBTI inclusive education has been met with continuous backlash, with resistance coming primarily from Christian organizations. When LGBTI Inclusive Education meets Christian beliefs, with both parties proclaiming they are acting in the name of love and calling themselves a disadvantaged minority, how do frontline teachers respond in the face of great pressure? This article utilizes document analysis and qualitative interviews, focusing on the experiences of a low-level junior high school teacher who has implemented LGBTI inclusive education, to investigate the challenges facing educators and their field. This study finds that conflicts exist among the differing values of both parties, and some differences may be irreconcilable at the moment. Under the request to respect pluralism, any flourishing or development of multiculturalism may continue to oppress the human rights of the most vulnerable if it is lacking of a critical voice. When the religious minority encounters the gender minority, the human rights of the oppressed cannot be sacrificed. The "love" of believers who oppose to LGBTI, which has brought much misunderstanding and harm and is certainly contrary to what should take place in schools and classrooms.


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